Frequently asked questions


  • When can I start Kangatraining?
    You must be at least 6 weeks post vaginal birth or at least 12 weeks post caesarian birth and been given the all clear from your health professional to return to exercise.

  • Can I attend if pregnant?
    Unfortunately no. Kangatraining is not designed for pregnancy. If you do find out you are expecting please let me know. I promise to keep your secret and you will have the option to either hold your remaining class pass until you can return with your new baby or ask for a refund of your remaining classes.

  • What if I don’t have a suitable carrier for class?
    That’s ok! As an exercise class we do have strict rules as to which carriers are suitable for classes. Stretchy wraps, ring slings, onbuhimos, and narrow based/rigid backed carriers are unfortunately not appropriate. The good news is that I have plenty of suitable carriers that can be used in class free of charge.

  • I have a abdominal separation or other medical/health condition. Can I still attend?
    Most likely, Yes! Kangatraining exercises are perfectly safe for those who have abdominal separation. However please indicate on your health questionnaire registration if you have any health concerns and we can discuss these and how we can adjust the class to suit you. You may be required to obtain a doctors clearance for some medical conditions or have a medical action plan on hand in case of an emergency.

  • Can I bring my older child?
    Absolutely! Many older children love attending. You may need to bring some extra toys or snacks to entertain them if needed. Some children love to use their favourite doll/teddy with the doll carriers provided and join in! It is important though to be mindful of where your children are to ensure they don’t get underfoot while dancing.

  • Is there an age limit?
    As long as you can comfortably still carry your child then there is no age limit. Many Kanga Mums choose to still join us even once their children have no interest in the carrier. They will often play to the side during class while Mum participates.

  • Can I tandem wear multiple children/twins?
    Unfortunately this is not appropriate while exercising. One child can be worn at a time. Some mums choose to leave one baby in a pram during class, some will set one baby up on a mat to the side, some may even swap their little ones throughout class.
    If you are a family of twins you have the ability to bring a support person to wear one of your babies for no extra charge. If this is not possible, and you feel comfortable doing so, I am more than happy to wear one of your babies on your behalf.

  • What if my baby is unsettled?
    At Kangatraining you are encouraged to meet your baby’s needs whenever you need to. If you need to stop to feed, change a nappy or settle your baby please do so.

  • What do I need to bring?
    Bring a suitable carrier if you have one, a yoga mat and a water bottle as well as your regular baby bag items.

Kangatraining Mix

  • Do the same carrier guidelines apply for KangaMix too?
    Absolutely. With all Kangatraining classes, safety is our biggest concern. This is why we have strict guidelines on what carriers are appropriate for the level of movement we do in class. If you dont have a suitable carrier, you will still be able to hire one of my carriers for the duration of the class at no extra cost.

  • Can my older children attend to?
    The class is quite fast paced, older children need to be able to keep up with the class. It is for this reason that we suggest not bringing your older children along unfortunately. If they can comfortably be carrier or sit in a pram then they are more than welcome to join us.

  • What about older children riding bikes and scooters?
    Unfortunately this is also not suitable for our class and not covered by insurance.

  • What if the weather is bad?
    This class is largely weather dependant so may need to be cancelled if things suddenly change. I will do my best to contact all who are booked in for the class as soon as possible. The missed class can be made up by attending one of the other Kangatraining classes that week, or saved until the following week.

  • What do I need to bring?
    If you have a pram or carrier, please bring this. It is recommended you also bring a hat for both you and baby, water bottle and sunscreen as well as your regular baby bag items (nappies, wipes, change of clothes etc).

Kangatraining Kids (midis)

  • What if my child does not want to participate?
    That’s ok. Some children take a little while to gain confidence in a new class. You are welcome to join in and encourage them or they are welcome to sit to the side with you and watch the class until they feel more comfortable.

  • My child is unwell, will there be a make up class option?
    Classes will be run twice a week so you will be able to book a make up class at our other location or if you have purchased a 10 class pass, you are eligible to roll over up to 2 classes to the next term.

  • My child has a medical condition. Can they still attend?
    Most likely. Please indicate on their health questionnaire if they have any health concerns or limitations so these can be factored into the class activities. You may be required to obtain a doctors clearance for some medical conditions or have a medical action plan on hand in case of an emergency.

  • Are parents/caregivers required to participate?
    Not in this age bracket. Although parents will need to stay on site, you are welcome to sit at the back of class, relax and watch your little ones burn off that excess energy.

  • Can I bring my other children too?
    The class is designed for children aged between 3-5 years. As parents are not required to participate you are welcome to bring a young baby however they will need to stay in a pram, carrier or in your arms to avoid them getting injured underfoot.

Babywearing Consultations

  • I am currently pregnant. Can I still book a consultation?
    Absolutely! During pregnancy is the perfect time to book a babywearing consult. I do have a weighted demonstration doll that can be used to give you that ‘real baby’ feel.

  • What if my baby doesn’t want to cooperate during the consult?
    Some babies can take awhile to warm up to the idea of being in a carrier. You may wish to feed your baby just before the consult to help them settle. Although I will try to take things slow, you are welcome to meet your baby’s needs whenever you need to. In some instances the use of the weighted demonstration doll may be an easier way to learn these new skills.

  • Can my partner attend with me?
    Of course! Most families buy a carrier with the idea that both parents will have the ability to use it. This is why I am happy to help you both get your perfect fit and show how to best adjust it between you both.

  • What if I don’t live in the southern suburbs of Adelaide?
    Wherever you live, you will always have the option to visit me at my in house studio down south. If you would prefer I come to you, depending on your location, I may still be able to visit you. However there will be a small travel fee on top of your consultation cost. If I am unable to meet with you we can discuss if an online consultation will be beneficial for your needs or I can refer you to a closer babywearing consultant.

Babywearing workshops

  • My children may be present during the workshop. Is this ok?
    Of course! I love having our older children involved in the care of their younger siblings and you are setting such a positive foundation for the next babywearing generation. If they’re interested, they are welcome to have a play with my available doll carriers too.

  • I have pets. Is it still ok to host a workshop?
    I’m a sucker for a furry, feathery, or scaley face so as long as your other guests are comfortable with your pets then theres no need to move them away. It is asked that we just refrain from letting pets near the carriers as although the carriers are washed after every use, some people do have allergies and we would hate for any to get damaged.

  • I have my own carriers I would like to use. Is this ok?
    Yes! If you would like help to fit a particular carrier please let me know in advance so I can put together some information for you pertaining to your carrier in particular. I love to play with different carriers, different brands, different materials, so please bring them along. I would love to have a little play with them myself!